Hubby's "Thunder"hosen

Leave it to my husband to call period clothing by the most ridiculous name he can think of.... ;-)

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well, my previously finished pair of Trogdor cuffs annoyed me slightly cuz they weren't mirror images for the two arms. I redid one so that now they are. :)
I used some cotton perl i had laying around. I really want to try silk blackworking for my next project, though--like beth has said, i'm getting a bit more authenticity concious every day.

Conveniently, The next project using silk floss will be something of MINE. I'm so stingy. Three for me, one for him, and I get the fancier stuff. Bad. Bad wifey.

I haven't decided yet, but I might go back and throw in some fills for these before I assemble the shirt--this is certainly due to Laren envy worship...

As you can see, I've got my two cuffs finished, and my neckband on the hoop for the carride tomorrow. Its nowhere near as awesome as the work of the wonderfully talented Laren, but she at least inspired me to get off my duff and do some blackworking.

A Burninator Posted by Picasa


Blogger Beth said...

Nice skills of an artist!!!

I am confused, though, is the neckband a variation on the Trogdor theme?

Still no silk for me. I can't wait though. And I've prewashed my linen. And drooled my way through embroidery books. Not that this is getting anything done mind you.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Well, the neckband is a weird compilation of the crossy square things and fused Trogdor wings. Mad Skillz.

Mmmmm, embroidery books. I'll have to get some of those. Sans drool, of course.

5:30 PM  

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