Hubby's "Thunder"hosen

Leave it to my husband to call period clothing by the most ridiculous name he can think of.... ;-)

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I think I will be coming out of hibernation on this poor neglected diary now. After my costume frenzy weekend with Beth, I came out with two goals. The first was to make a spanish court gown. The second was to finish hubby's new duds. Seeing as I've already made 3 costumes for myself this year, I have simply GOT to do Adam's before I move onto a really ornate court gown for me. Otherwise, his will never get done.

Additionally, it will be beneficial to me to learn to couch on a smaller project (his slops) before deciding exactly how much to plan for the dress--if i learn to dislike couching, I'll just shell out more $$ for trim on my gown. Not to mention, I don't mind the idea of LEARNING on his so I can do mine better. What a horrible wife I am....Mwahahahaha!

The plan:
1) Start/Finish blackworking the collar for his new linen shirt. Try to convince him that ruffs are good! Assemble shirt.
2) Dye white Sateen an ivory color for the doublet, since that's the color he wants. I'm tempted to try coffee for this.
3) Work up a good doublet pattern. Make doublet. Figure out how in the heck I plan to embellish it--I know there will be slashing. Maybe couching. Perhaps some nice trim. In all honesty, I like Adams first design concept better than his second. I might be pushing for some compromises from him.
4) Work up a slops pattern. Embellish (I think this will be couching/embroidery). Make slops.
5) Convince him that he wants a nice short cloak. ;)
6) Buy him tights and shoes. I shoulda bought him tights when bought mine. Doh!


Blogger Beth said...

Yay Julie!

Couching is fun. You'll like it. I promise. Much area covered in a short time.

I got Aaron to pick out the cloak he likes best from PoF last night. *Conveniently* it was the one I liked best. I'm good at that.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Oooh, which PoF cloak? I'll make sure we don't pick the same one. :) Figure #'d work, since I've got the book too.

3:28 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Hi Julie - I don't have the book with me, but it's the one at the top left of one of the pages. It's dark red velvet and has yellow satin appliqued?? shapes on the front and at the border. It's on a velvet that has something like an etched design all over, which I can't remember the word for, but the text makes reference to a play in which someone wishes that the moths would do that to their fabric. I think it's actually cut in 10 pieces from an old skirt, although aaron wants it as a full circle.

So no figure number, but that's a pretty unique description, eh?

Mind you, if you like that one, I'll pick another. No problem!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Ah, so adam picked fig# 249, which is the crimson velvet wtih couched gold and silver. Very clean lines. He's obviously going for the very serious and severe costume look. ;) I"m quite excited by that choice, actually, cuz the couching pattern is *relatively* simple, so I may be able to do a sort of reproduction.

12:28 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Yep, that's the one I was trying to push on Aaron, but no luck. He likes the one in Fig#252, except he wants it as a full circle. So that works out pretty well, eh?

Not that I'm ever going to find (or afford, egads!) branched velvet, but hey. Maybe I'll take your couching suggestion. If I want to work on it for the next YEAR!! ;)

9:41 AM  

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