Hubby's "Thunder"hosen

Leave it to my husband to call period clothing by the most ridiculous name he can think of.... ;-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Modified Sketch

Adam's been tinkering with how he'd like his costume to look. This is the newest version.

This project is kinda halted until i find the right fabric. I can do the shirt and mockup, but no further. I really wanna do the doublet in a nice silk satin, heavyweight so I can pink it without too much fraying (this is what they used in period, so I figured it works, right?)
I got some silk samples from Dharma Trading figuring I could find a nice fabric and dye it myself. But I don't think any of them were as heavyweight as I was hoping. I'm looking to a few other places (denver fabrics and silk connection). And if anyone has other suggestions, it'd be much appreciated.


Blogger Anita said...

Please tell Adam that I am severely heartbroken that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Toes did not make it into his newest sketch.

I suppose I will be mollified by the fact that his newest design sketch is awesome!

8:45 PM  

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